With Crossword Explorer, we aim to take the best of crosswords and make them even more fun! With free puzzles of different sizes, there is one for every kind of player - beginner, intermediate, or expert! With this special crossword game, you will get access to thousands of puzzles, covering everything from Movies to Sports, and History to Science!
Quoted from: Play Store
Developer: PlaySimple Games
Recommended Requirements:
CPU: Snapdragon 730 Octa Core 2.2 GHz or equivalent
GPU: Adreno 650 or equivalent
Storage: 250MB
OS: iOS 12/Android 10.0
Please Note:
- Your phone should have these or equivalent specs to run the app smoothly.
- Requirements are predicted and could be bound to change as more data becomes available.
- You are encouraged to express your feedback below.
- Please use our resource only as a guideline and if you spot any errors let us know.
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